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HomeNature NewsGWAS and meta-analysis identifies 49 genetic variants underlying important COVID-19

GWAS and meta-analysis identifies 49 genetic variants underlying important COVID-19


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  • E.P.-C., Okay. Rawlik, Okay.M., S.Okay., C.P.P., J.F.W., V.V., M.A., A.D.L., E.J.P., R.C., A.C., A.F., L.M., Okay. Rowan, A.C.P., A.L., S.C.H. and J.Okay.B. contributed to design. E.P.-C., Okay. Rawlik, A.D.B., T.Q., Y.W., I.N., G.A.M., M.Z., L.Okay., A.Okay., A.R., T.M., J.Y., A.L., B.F., S.C.H. and J.Okay.B. contributed to knowledge evaluation. E.P.-C., Okay. Rawlik, I.N., A.Okay., A.R., J.M., C.D.R., A.L., B.F. and S.C.H. contributed to bioinformatics. E.P.-C., Okay. Rawlik, I.N., G.A.M., M.Z., A.Okay., J.M., C.D.R., R.T., D. McAuley, A.N., M.G.S., B.F., S.C.H. and J.Okay.B. contributed to writing and reviewing the manuscript. I.N., F.G., W.O., Okay.M., S.Okay., D. Maslove, A.N., M.G.S., J.Okay., M.S.-H., C.S., C.H., P.H., L.L., D. McAuley, H.M., P.J.M.O., C.B., T.W., A.T., C.F., J.A.R., A.R.-M., P.L., C.P.P., A.F., L.M., Okay. Rowan, A.L., B.F. and S.C.H. contributed to oversight. F.G. and W.O. contributed to challenge administration. F.G., W.O. and J.Okay.B. contributed to ethics and governance. Okay.M., A.F. and L.M. contributed to pattern dealing with and sequencing. C.P.P., Okay. Rowan, S.C.H. and J.Okay.B. contributed to conception. C.P.P., J.F.W., V.V., M.A., A.D.L., E.J.P., R.C., A.C., Okay. Rowan and A.C.P. contributed to reviewing the manuscript. Okay. Rowan and A.L. contributed to medical knowledge administration. J.Okay.B. contributed to scientific management.



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